Regretting my life splitting the code

New day , new issue [WORKING] I start my game natively and the game was laggy like shit. Took me a while to figure it out but the compiler was telling me why all along , sorry rustc shound not have ignore your sweet warning. My profile with optimisation where no being apply because you need to put them in the crate root …. It’s funny without optimisation it’s totally unplayable even in this early stage....

April 20, 2022 · 2 min · 265 words · berlingoqc

Setuping the base of the server project

Starting to implement the networking Yeah , i’m kinda lost with the networking. It seem like hard work to implement for the first time correctly. But i feel it’s very important right now because i want to structure my code in the future for this. Interlude hot reloading server I lost so time because things were not working because of me and because i hardcoded some value requiring multiple change when changing build target instead of one…....

April 23, 2022 · 2 min · 328 words · berlingoqc

Implemting weapons

Finishing the network split …. I had issue , and for some reason the server is not responding to anything the client is doing, so i’m deciding to put the networking on hold for now… I’ll go back to the gameplay so today i want to do the following things: Implements Weapon with firing rate Implements Windows breaking Good time with weapon. First the user gonna have multiple slot for weapons....

April 25, 2022 · 1 min · 134 words · berlingoqc

More weapon and starting windows

Continuing weapon I need to fix the issue when i try to add two gun and the second one is not working. After i want to add a spreading value for weapon ( like for the precision of the weapon ) Implements a shotgun with multiple bullet being spawn ( need to configure the sprite to be smaller) [WORKING] Yes it’s done for the switching of weapon , it was very strange , i was using a boolean in the struct of the state of the weapon to tell if it was active or not but when i was changing this state the qery was not returning the newly activate weapon no more....

April 26, 2022 · 3 min · 602 words · berlingoqc

Cleaning in asset and better live reloading

I complete what i start yesterday with the window reparation working properly. The window panel take time to repair and if you go too far or release the button the ingoing reparation stop and when one is over and you keep the trigger the next one start reparing. I just need to have a better separation in my code for the code that trigger the player interaction and the differents implementation of the different interaction, because the way i did it , it will sooon because unmanagable....

April 27, 2022 · 3 min · 457 words · berlingoqc