Character animation and sprite sheet

Come on we need some sprite OK so i decide that the color cube had to go. It’s time to integrate some sprite sheet and to have a basic animation system inside the application. All the code for the animation and sprite sheet are gonna recide in the client code so the server will spawn the entity and the client will have code to react and apply the texture and sprite to the entity....

April 28, 2022 · 6 min · 1226 words · berlingoqc

Main menu and game stopping in the plane to brazil

I’m leaving for a month of vacation in Brazil soo this is my last modification for a long time. Add main menu i added a game menu, pretty straight forward , i added system when state are changing to remove map element and reset the game state. But i added to many system that all do the samething. I will rework to only have one query to remove every element. With a component name something like ZombieGameEntity....

May 6, 2022 · 1 min · 86 words · berlingoqc

Better collision for zombies

Starting back the project. I was in vacation for the month of may in brazil. Make the game running at the same speed regardless of framerate One thing that i didn’t consider at first is the make the movement of my character consistent with frame rate. I added a component to register the current frame rate and i’m using it in the movement calculation of the player and bullet, the rest are based on timer that should be consistent with the framerate....

May 24, 2022 · 2 min · 250 words · berlingoqc

Integration of gamepad

Integration of bevy gamepad support Until the beginning of my game all controle where hard coded in the code that handle the logic. I need to do two things with my controller code: Split it inside the client code. Send the client code action to the shared code. Use abstraction to handle gamepad and input for each player For now i will only two the second one for the gamepad and latter on i will split the input and the logic code....

June 2, 2022 · 3 min · 455 words · berlingoqc

Integration of local multiplayer

In the client code when starting a zombie game i configure the list of player in the game and the controller they use. Things to rework to get this to work. Replace all player.get_single() to array iterring over everything Need to rework the way the zombie select there target (pick the player) Need to rescope the query on weapons to only look for weapon of the player not all weapons Need to redo the in game ui to have stat of all the player....

June 2, 2022 · 1 min · 116 words · berlingoqc