I complete what i start yesterday with the window reparation working properly.

The window panel take time to repair and if you go too far or release the button the ingoing reparation stop and when one is over and you keep the trigger the next one start reparing.

I just need to have a better separation in my code for the code that trigger the player interaction and the differents implementation of the different interaction, because the way i did it , it will sooon because unmanagable.

Also i need to have the interaction value for the window be in the config file for the map.

A little clean up in the assets

Ok so now i will do a clean up of the repository on my asset folder. i will add a better layout and i will add the option that i wanted for the map , in the game mode settings not in the map.

So i guess that window are gonna spawn normally and when the zombie level is started i will have to query all existing windows to apply the config, yeah soo fun.


Yeah so now i have remaps the assets in the following structure

  • fonts (the fonts lol)
  • game (contains level information)
  • maps (contains the map asset and game info)
  • weapons (contains the weapon list and there assets in seperate folder)

Also , i implement a event for the request to restart the game, so now the game restart when the game level config is updated or when you press F1.

Also , i changed the file type for my asset they will all have the following name struture: .{type}.ron, like:

  • easy.level.ron
  • iso_map.asset.ron

Next step is like i said before , having the window panel configuration be part of the level configuration.

So now they are not render when the map is loaded but when the game is start and the are all destroy each time the game is reset.

I had issue with a crash saying entity not found after a restart of the game, pull a few hair and i realize it was because i was using u32 that i was casting with Entity::from_raw to get back the panel when i was triggering the action, for an unknow reason when i was recreating the panel the second time it was failing. I only discover the fixe as a shot in the dark trying to make it work.

So now the player information is the last thing that need to be configure.

I’m propably gonna use another asset file but it’s a pain to add a new one so maybe gonna jam this in zombie game for now but in the future i definitively need to change the location.