Continuing weapon

  • I need to fix the issue when i try to add two gun and the second one is not working.
  • After i want to add a spreading value for weapon ( like for the precision of the weapon )
  • Implements a shotgun with multiple bullet being spawn ( need to configure the sprite to be smaller)


Yes it’s done for the switching of weapon , it was very strange , i was using a boolean in the struct of the state of the weapon to tell if it was active or not but when i was changing this state the qery was not returning the newly activate weapon no more. So i switch to using the enum of the WeaponState and add a Hide state to tell that the weapon is hide and not in use. Only one can have the Firing state , telling that this is the use weapon.

After that i was able to add the spreading of the value , with two random value between (-offset..offset) that are increment to x and y of the normalize vector. A value of 15 (0.15) give a nice spread for a gun like a small mitraillette.

Also i implement live reloading for the weapon allowing to work on the configuration.

Time to implement the shotgun.

For the shotgun i’m gonna add the two following property on my weapon.

  • TriggerAmmunition: number of ammunition fire each time you press FIRE !!
  • SpreadingBullet : a structure for bullet that spread in multiple bullet
  • Sprite information : information of the size of the sprite


Yes i did it all, it’s all working great so now i have what is required for:

  • Manual weapon
  • Shotgun style weapon
  • Automatic style weapon

The next thing that i could do is to implement raffal gun like the Famas and add custom speed for weapon.

Both most importantly i need to fix this issue on bullet passing throught wall when there is to many bullet


Finally i spend some time trying to make the Github Action create a development build to release in github for my friend to be able to start the game on is laptop and downloading the repo for the assets, we would be able to work on the configuration or the asset of the game without needing to compile anything will enjoying live reload.

Now it is time to work on the windows and to work on the windows i think i have to work on the zombie attack because they will have to destroy it.

The zombie will attack window and player when they will be inside there attack range. When the attack they stop move and start a front facing sweeping melee attack with a cooldown before being made again.

And for the windows , they all have panel to protect them that can be repair by the player when near. Each panel have health and need to be all destroy to let the zombie pass throught.


Yeah it’s implemented but it’s very shady and ruff arround the edge but it’s working.

I start working on the player interaction system. When the user i close to something that he can interact with it’s registering in it’s component and the user can trigger the action.

For now the only action is RepairWindow but i will had some more like , buy weapon , open door and etc…

I just need to have a better interaction system to repair the windows one at the time with a cooldown between and if you leave before the timer the reparation will failed.