New day , new issue


I start my game natively and the game was laggy like shit. Took me a while to figure it out but the compiler was telling me why all along , sorry rustc shound not have ignore your sweet warning. My profile with optimisation where no being apply because you need to put them in the crate root ….

It’s funny without optimisation it’s totally unplayable even in this early stage.

I have wayyyy to mutch warning , important stuff can get lost in all those unused imports , time for so cleanup my dude.


I did my best but it’s hard and useless to remove them all.

So for the real stuff my goal today is too lay the ground at the networking stack for the project.


Mmmmmg i was trying to make the connection work between my server and my client use WebRTC but it does not seem to be working … I was about to moving to something else because i want progress today not getting stuck. So i decide to test in the web and it’s working fine. So maybe it’s no suppose to work in native. I’m trying to make it work via udp but i have compilation issue with the features use-udp.

So i’m gonna develop using the web for the multiplayer i guess, cannot use bevy_dyn but at least the compile time is pretty fast but i would need to setup a web development setup with hot-reload when the js and wasm are generated…

After some Halo 2 with my friend.