Starting to look at multiplayer.

I have start to look at the library : which seem to be perfect for my use case , support UDP and WebRTC but for what i understand you start the serveur for WebRTC ou UDP , so the client playing on desktop would not be able to play with the one on the web.

I have fork the library to update it to bevy 0.7.0 , i had issue with the exemple so i deleted them and i’m gonna start to rebuild the app for networking.

From what i’v seen people do , i will split my code base in three crate.

  • client (Client code)
  • server (Serveur instance running bevy loop and managing entity replication)
  • shared (Shared code between the two, mostly surcture)

I propably won’t have time to start this today but it’s nice to start the process and i have integrate the NetworkingPlugin from my fork and my app is still building so it’s promissing.