Starting the project

I havent readed a lot of the documentation and havent done mutch planing like i always do. I will see how thing are evolving during the development.

I don’t have mutch time today but my goals are to:

  • Create the base of the project.
  • Create building scripts.
  • Open a window and display something.


I’m basically gona follow the step from bevy-robbo project and the unoffical guide.

  • Copy is dependency
  • Copy is makefile


Finally i didnt not use the exact setup with the dependency to wgpu and webgl2 because they where failing to build using the lastest 0.6.1 release of Bevy.

Going well i have a working application in the browser and in the desktop that display a window and print hello world. Got for now.

The next step for will be to introduce like in the bevy-robbo project the following: * A benchmarking mode * A debug mode * FPS counter


Done i made a simple FPS counter and adding it as a plugin , sweet. Now i want to publish my site to github pages with github actions.


It’s was pretty easy to setup.

The next step i want to do is making a basic map with the map editor, import in the application and display it.

Let’s goooooooooooo


Ehhh small issue , the bevy-tiled library does not support 0.6.0. Try to make the migration but way to many issue and i dont know the framework well enought.

Soo i’ll try something else. Just to draw a square as the map.


I did it , i draw a rectangle and i little square that i can control. Next step is to put boundary on the maps to not go outside and maybe fire some ammunition.

So i’m gonna make the following entity:

  • Map
    • Inside floor
    • Outside floor
    • Wall (prevent the use to go further)
    • Windows (the place where zombie will go)