Introduction to programming

The first part of the class will be about the base of programmation.

We will answer the following question:

  • How computer and operating system are build basically
  • What is code
  • How do we write a program
  • The different type of programming language
  • The different paradigm of programming language
  • What are the tool that we can use to write those program
    • We will learn to love thy terminal
    • Learn how to use command line software
    • Basic understanding of the POSIX envrionment
    • How to install , build and run software stack
  • How to write basic program with the building block.
    • Condition
    • Loop
    • Function
    • Basic data structure

For you information , this course will not rewrite all there is to know about programming i will often provide website to already existing website with the information that the student need to learn on it’s own.

Requirement before starting

This class will be write for UNIX system (MacOS and Linux) if you are using windows i recommand the following options:

  • Use WSL2
  • Use a Virtual Machine
  • Get the fuck out of windows your a developer now

Linux is not so user friendly and i think the best OS to start programming is MacOS, it has all the advantage that you have with linux being a unix system and it’s fairly easy to use with very good support all across the board.